Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Truth About Credit Cards

Do you need credit help? If so, I've found a wonderful place for you to find an array of information. The Truth About Credit Cards is a blog that offers help in areas such as raising your credit score, how to read a credit report, how to complete a balance transfer, and many other topics. You probably know someone who has a mountain of outstanding credit card debt and just keeps digging themselves deeper. The good news is that there is help out there and The Truth About Credit Cards is a great place to start.

One post I found especially helpful was "get to know your spending habits". I've never thought to do this but this post suggests that you look at your year end summary, which will be broken down by month and category. This will help you see where your money goes and help you better assess the areas that you need to cut spending. Brilliant! I often wonder what we're spending our money on! It's easy to make a few purchases early in the month and forget about them toward the end of the month. Viewing your year end summary will clear up your "faded" memory. Another thing this post mentions is restaurant spending. Let's just say, well, I'm not even going there. One of our favorite pastimes is eating out and although we try not to put meals on our credit card, we sometimes do for special occasions. If we're not careful, this can really add up.

One other really interesting post is the one concerning the RevolutionCard. This thing sounds neat! It doesn't have any information embossed on the card. Instead, each time you use it, you use a pin number to complete the transaction. This thrills me because I am forever worrying about loosing my card or someone stealing it. With the RevolutionCard, you don't have to worry. Unless a thief has your pin number, there's nothing he can do with it! Fabulous!

I have only touched on a few of the topics addressed on the blog. In short, this blog is very useful and can provide you with the information to help you better understand your credit standing.


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