Saturday, December 22, 2007

Self-Defense Products

We all think of protecting our family whether it be at home or while we are out. We take necessary precautions to ensure maximum safety. Some may own a handgun while others choose alternate methods of protection. Some of the popular choices are stun guns, pepper spray, or some kind of household surveillance.

A few days ago, we were given the opportunity to review one of the many self defense products by Security Solutions. They were kind enough to send us one of their Tri-Pack Pepper Shot 10% Plus products. This product is a 10% pepper spray solution that uses very fine grain pepper, which makes it more effective than most pepper sprays on the market. The spray works by swelling mucous membranes so that breathing becomes difficult. It also swells the veins in the eyes causing them to close. The affect lasts 20-30 minutes, and causes no permanent damage. It simply allows you enough time to get to safety and get help.

Our package came with a 2 ounce wall mount spray for the home. It is meant to be mounted in a safe place that you have quick and easy access to. If there is a break in at your home, you want to be able to reach the spray quickly so that you might defend yourself. It also came with a 1/2 ounce visor clip to keep in your vehicle. With carjacking and other crazy things going on these days, it's a good idea to have something like this that is easily accessible in the event that you suffer an attack. Lastly, the package contained a 1/2 ounce spray with a quick release key chain. This is a handy thing to have, especially for females, for those situations where you are alone and need added protection.

Overall, this product is effective, easy to use, and can be placed in easily accessible places in your home, car, or on your person. Having the product makes me feel safer and I think it will be an effective defense in the event that I need protection.

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