Thursday, April 3, 2008

Confessions of A Homeschool Mom

I have to confess that I have a new fix. First, let me say that I really love teaching my children at home. I enjoy every aspect of teaching them and would not trade it for anything in the world. I know there is no better place for them than right here with me....all day long.

I'm always looking for ways to incorporate interesting videos, books, tv shows, and such into our learning. Sometimes I happen upon these things without really searching. Such was the case last night. We don't watch tv much but lately we've had it on for March Madness. I was flipping to see if there were any games on when I came across the Discovery Channel. There I found a show called How It's Made and was hooked when I heard them explaining how panty hose were made. I left it on and for the next hour, I learned the process of making panty hose, toilets, RVs, styrofoam packaging, pottery, hard candy, decorative candles and erasers. Oh....My.....Goodness. It was so neat! I made a mental note to set the DVR to record this show when it comes on so that we can use it for science. If you haven't seen the show, you owe it to yourself to sit down and watch it. In fact, I'm going to do just that. The current episode will show how to make prepared mustard, violins, nuts and bolts, and toilet paper. Pretty soon, I'll know how everything is made!


Joyful Days said...

This looks very neat! Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this! :-)

I will be homeschooling Ainsley in the Fall for Kindergarten and am trying to put together a list of educational shows for her to watch. I am definitley adding this one to the list. :-)

Leslie @ Joy n Pain said...

This sounds like a great show.

You asked me about p.e., we plan to use homeschool family fitness, but we have yet to make the purchase!

Also I'm tagging you for a meme. My post is pretty long but I'm just looking for any feedback from others, no matter the length.

Here's the link