Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reflections 3/31/09

Well, the days of needing a steam cleaner are almost over. After years of putting it off, we're finally pulling up our horrid carpet and putting down flooring. I am very excited since I have allergies and the carpet breaks me down :-) The only problem now is that we are still remodeling a bathroom and Jeff's new job takes up every spare minute right now. Perfect timing, huh? Just when our "to-do" list needed to shrink, we go and make it bigger. Ah well.

As for everything else, things are going great. School is good and I have maintained an A average so far. Only five more weeks to go and I'm hoping I keep that A. As I get older, I realize that it's really hard for me to accept anything less than the best from myself. In many ways that is a good thing. Having had self esteem issues all of my life, I'm finally proving to myself that I can accomplish my goals with a little bit of hard work. I think our transition to Orthodoxy has helped in that area too. That's a story for another time though.

The kids are doing great and Logan's co-op classes are winding down. I think we are both happy about that. She's been enjoying her biology class. They have been dissecting animals over the past several weeks and I think she's learned a lot. I don't think she's actually done any of the cutting but I'm proud of her for being able to sit through the dissection without loosing her lunch. She's really found something she loves in writing too. She is taking an IEW class and has loved every second of it. The only other class she is taking is Spanish I and we won't even talk about that! It's been a nightmare and we've determined that in the future, foreign language will be done at home. Caroline wasn't involved in co-op this semester because I didn't have time to commit to helping out. Plus, she has weekly piano lessons and Jeff and I really wanted her to focus on that. She has so much natural ability in that area and I really hope she develops a great love of music. Right now, much of her piano learning is effortless. I only wish I had half the talent my girls have. They are very inspirational.

This summer looks busy for me. The girls and I usually have a pretty laid back schedule in the summer. Since that's the case, I'm going to load up on pre-nursing classes. I'll be taking four classes from June to August. I have two classes from June to July and then the other two courses will run July to August. They are quick since I'm taking them in the summer but most of them will be fairly easy. The only one that even worries me a little is, of course, the math course. Lots of prayer and hard work have helped this semester so I pray I don't lose focus.

You know, just when I think life couldn't get any more full, it seems to. I'm not sure if that happens to you but more often than not, it happens that way to me. Spiritually, I'm in a place I've never been before. I am very happy and content. I have a clear purpose and I am striving to fulfill that. I'm surrounded by people who love me and whom I love dearly. I'm making friendships that are unlike any I have ever had. Life is good. I pray I will not squander a single second of it.