Monday, June 18, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust

And another one gone, and another one gone....

Can you believe it? Things were just starting to look up around here. After a week of hubs and Caroline having a horrible stomach virus, I thought we were through. But oh no! Here it comes again. Like a bad dream. It's back in full swing and this time Logan is the lucky recipient! Now she's the one laying in the bathroom floor and look what I found a few minutes ago....

How sweet! I'm gonna roll up my sleeves and prepare myself for at least three more days of this stuff. It will be a miracle if it bypasses me, and I hope it does! I hope all of you avoid this nasty bug!

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Robin Green said...

I'm so sorry you guys are going through this--what a huge bummer. I hope it does bypass you and things start to look up soon. I have never thought of camping out near he bathroom--I will remember that for future purposes.

Amberly said...

Oh, you poor thing! I hope it leaves your house soon!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Oh my goodness, you and your poor family are really having a time with this thing. I hope everyone is tons better soon, sounds like a nasty bug. Ick :(

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I really hope this is the end of the road for sickness at your house!

Jenny said...

so do you get your kiddos to be so kind to each other? My kids would be trying to barf on each other or are such a role model mom!!

Shawna said...

How sweet! But not so good that Logan got sick, too. I hope it passes quickly.

Jill said...

Oh, Sonya. I am so sorry you all are getting hit with this bug. My little 18 month old had it Sat night/Sunday and Monday and is still not 100%. I had it the week before for one day only. If there is anything positive about it all, is that at least you're getting it all done with at once.

Your book bag is in the works.
