Thursday, June 28, 2007

Just Rockin'

I have tried to convince my husband for years that I rock! Now I can stop trying to convince him because Jill has made it official! She has given me the Rockin' Girl Blogger award and all I can say is, shucks, thanks Jill! Just for the record, I think Jill rocks too! I appreciate the fact that anyone reads what I write. There are so many wonderful blogs out there and alot of the ones I read have already been nomianted. I want to try and recognize a few that I've recently come upon and love.

1. Monica over at The Homespun Heart. She has been an inspiration to me in the way that she finds pleasure in the simple things in life. I love her practical tips for making homemade things. She's creative and I know I'd love to hang out with her!

2. Jenny at Up the Hill Gang. Jenny is one of my bestest RL friends. I love this girl! She is funny as all get out, she's creative, strong, and just a fun person to be around. She homeschools and is Presbyterian, just like me! I have learned so much from this gal and can't say enough about what a special person she is. I wish you could all know her in real life. You would love her. She's just that kind of person.

3. Shawna at Scamp's Place. Shawna is such a sweet spirit and recently we have become email prayer accountability partners. I feel like I've known her for years and she looks alot like one of my best friends from high school! She's a TN girl (just like me!) and has a wonderful writing style. She can tell a story and make you feel like you're part of it.

4. Holly at Puddin' and Princess Stories. Holly is a very sweet, down to earth person. I feel very comfortable talking to her and she's given me some great tips on bug control and dieting. She introduced me to the South Beach Diet and even though I'm failing miserably at it, she's been a great source of encouragement! Thanks Holly!

5. Kelli at There's No Place Like Home. Kelli is very creative with simple things. She is a fellow homeschooler. She has opened her home and ideas so that we can all see and it always feels warm and inviting. I can see myself sitting at her table, fresh flowers from her garden adorning the table, having a nice cup of caramel vanilla tea!

There are so many other gals out there that bless me on a daily basis. They've all been nominated but I wanted to mention them so that they know they are special to me. Some of my favorite daily reads are:

Annie from My Life as Annie.

Carrie from My Lil' Corner of the World.

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane.

Stacy over at Vader's Mom.

Lauren at Baseballs & Bows.

Amberly at Moments Amid Messes.

Have a great Thursday!

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Holly said...

Thanks sweetie! Did you ever order you some of that bug killer or did the ant invaders leave?

Anonymous said...

Yes, you certainly do rock. I nominated ya earlier this week but think I forgot to let you know, LOL. Since preggy brain can't be used as an excuse now, ummmm, new mommy brain?!

Jill said...

You do rock! And the cool part of this little award thing is meeting new people. The only blog you listed for the award that I currently read is Shawna/Scamp's Place. So, I'm off to check out your other awardees.

Have a great day!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Aren't you just the sweetest thing to mention me?! :) Thank you!

I think you totally rock, and I agree with your picks. I already read some of those and I'll have to be sure to check out the others. You totally rock, Sonya!

Have a wonderful day :)

Jenny said...

Oh you are so sweet, Sonya! Really, you matter what all those people are!!

Jenny said...

and you know the people I'm talking about!!! All those people who envy you because you manage to keep the back of your tv free of biscuits!!

Robin Green said...

Yes, you do rock! Maybe we will just come on up there sometime--you never know!!!

Kelli said...

Thank you so much, Sonya!!! You are so sweet and if you are ever in Texas I would love for you to stop by for a cup of tea and a visit!!

Anonymous said...

You do rock! And you are right all of the ladies you mentioned rock too!

Annie said...

You do rock Sonya!!!
Thanks for the mention.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much. Sorry I'm a little late about responding... I'm so behind lately.