Thursday, October 4, 2007

Moolattes, Dilly Bars, and Boston

I've made it very clear that my favorite dessert in the world is molten chocolate cake from Chili's. I'm not shy about the fact that I can eat the whole thing by myself. It's just so good. Next in line on my favorite desserts list would be a Moolatte from Dairy Queen. Yummy, yummy. I love all of them. I think the caramel one is my favorite.

Caroline is staying all night with Jeff's mom so Logan, Jeff, and I went out for dessert after supper. We went to DQ, where I ordered a French Vanilla Moolatte. It was heavenly. As we were driving home, flipping through radio stations, we came across an old Boston classic. Hubby really liked Boston, back in the day. So here we were, driving down the road, windows open, music playing, having our dessert. I looked over at hubby and he's singing away. He was trying to eat his dilly bar but kept dripping chocolate on his shirt. He looked so cute.

Moments like this make me smile. I hope that when I'm old, I will remember stories like this to tell my grandchildren. I hope that when we are old, my hubby will still remember the words to that old Boston song. I hope he'll still love dilly bars for dessert, and I hope he'll still drip it all over his shirt. And I hope I'm still around, sitting by his side, laughing the entire time!

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gail@more than a song said...

Oh we've been known to go to Chili's just for the molten chocolate, SO good! Your moolatte looks good too.
I'm a huge chocolate person but key lime pie rates right up there for me.

Anonymous said...

Awww! You make me smile. Yet again, we share similar moments. On Sunday, David took me (and Levi, LOL) out for icecream since the girls were with their dad. We ate it in the truck rather than sitting in the shop. David got chocolate and he dripped it all over his white shirt and his jeans. We joked that I couldn't take him anywhere, LOL! You're right, it is sooooooooo cute when they do things like that. Only we (as their spouses and best friends) can appreciate it on that level! :o)