Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekend Reflection # 10

Another great week, although I'm a little tired from this one!

The Good Parts:

  • I was able to find several nice dresses and shirts for Caroline at the clothing sale my friend had. This saves us alot of money and these are good, durable clothes that I couldn't otherwise afford to buy. Great brands and excellent prices!
  • Went to the doctor this week. This is a good thing because I'm not a doctor person. It's pretty hard to get me to keep my appointments!
  • We were able to spend the entire day with a lovely family from church. The mom brought her four children over to stay with myself and the girls while she did some shopping. It was a pure delight to have these children. The youngest child is 1 and since we really want to have another baby, it was nice to be able to play with her and cuddle. We decorated a cute plastic cup for the children to take home and the rest of the day we played outside.
  • Caroline & I spent the entire day with my cousin and aunt on Friday. They drove over and we went to some antique shops. We made a day of it! Nevermind that they got lost coming to my house! Aunt Kat goes by visual directions....she sees something she recognizes and assumes she's going the right way! LOL! We spent about six hours looking through all of the shops. They also treated us to lunch at a local cafe. Thanks aunt Kat and Angel! We had a great time!
  • Logan was able to stay all night with a friend from church on Friday night. She and her friend have been trying to work this out for some time and it seems things just kept getting in the way of their plans! Needless to say, I was tickled to drop her off, knowing that she was really going to enjoy herself!
  • We ordered the lumber to start our new deck project. It was delivered on Friday. Jeff, his dad, and his brother tore down the old deck. Hopefully they'll be able to start working on the new one as soon as the weather clears up. I'm really excited because the new deck will have a covered portion that will double as a second eating area. This means we can invite the large families from church over more often!

The Not So Good Parts:

  • Jeff and I have both had allergy issues for the past few days. My throat swells but goes down when I take sinus meds. It's generally just something that is making us feel very tired and worn out.
  • I'm still not very motivated about getting more of my trim painted. I've pretty much stopped! I guess I went all out for about a week and got burned out. Hopefully I'll muster up the desire to start up again. It's such a lot of work and not very fun to do alone. I'd rather have a "painting party" and have several people over to paint and have fun!
  • I made tilapia fillets for supper Wednesday and they were good. The problem is that I can't really eat fish. Something about it grosses me out. I know it's all in my head but I can't seem to get over it. It's an issue with the consistency of fish and when you find brown meat in them. It's sick I tell ya! Plain sick!
  • My father-in-law decided to have a nice fall when he and Jeff were taking down the old deck. He hit his head before hitting the ground. He says he's fine but it was very scary. I wasn't here when he did it and I'm thankful because I would have panicked!
  • It's raining like mad and is supposed to do so all weekend! I'm ready for warmer temps and nice, sunny days!
  • I didn't have time to do my Menu Plan Monday last week. Luckily, I've had odds and ends that I threw together.

I hope you've had a good week! Hope over to Judi's to read more WR's. I pray this coming week will be wonderful for each of you!


Anonymous said...

Having a new deck just in time for warm weather will be so nice! I hope you enjoy it as a family and when company comes!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a nice week! I'm with ya on the fish, I can't eat it, as it grosses me out, too, LOL.

Robin Green said...

It sounds like you had a wonderfully productive week. So sorry about your dad-in-law's fall! I hope your next week is great! I don't like fish either, by the way!

Shawna said...

I love going to consignment shops and yard sales for Scamp! So many unique items and so many great prices!

A new deck is exciting. I love my parent's deck and patio. Their patio is squeezed in between the house and the garage and makes a wonderful, cook place to sit with company.

I hope you feel better from your allergies. My right ear closes up where I can't hear with my allergies.