Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jacked Up

My 8 year old really keeps me in stitches most of the time. She makes up words and phrases and uses them randomly throughout the day. She knows what she means but sometimes I have no idea and can't begin to imagine where she comes up with this stuff. Just now, she came to me with this one:

Caroline: "Mommy, my stomach is jacked up and I can't eat anymore."

I thought I'd lose it! How does your stomach get "jacked up?" If anyone could explain this to me, I'd gladly listen! LOL!

Have a great Thursday!

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Anonymous said...

LOL! That's my kinda chickadee!! I understand her completely, LOL. I tend to have my own language most days, anyhow ... but ... yeah, a stomach can be jacked up ... LOL! It means *messed up* or *screwed up*. :o)

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Cute! I tend to think of jacked up as in a car, like to change a flat tire. But I guess I don't think like an 8 year old :)

Adorable picture!!!

Shawna said...

Don't you ever get "jacked up" stomach? It's pretty common around here! Kidding! Hehehe:)Sounds like something a truck driver would say!

Annie said...

my son used to use the word scarf as in, "i fell off my bike and scarfed my arm." or "you scarfed me."
now emelia will say shred for blend. Like "will you shred me a shake?"
I just think it is so cute, so a jacked up stomach makes perfect sense.

Jenny said...

LOL! That's funny...I'll have to remember that...

Robin Green said...

Not sure what that means, but your daughter is very lovely. The red hair and freckles remind me of a couple of my nieces and nephews. Very sweet.