Friday, September 21, 2007

Blogging For Cash

Lately, I've had an itch to start a small business. While I have been trying to work out all the details, I started thinking about ways to finance this business venture. A friend told me that she had started blogging to earn money. At first, I didn't think too much of it. I brushed that idea aside. Shortly after that, that same friend told me that she was able to purchase a new home computer using the money she had earned by blogging. Now she had my attention! After many more conversations and me asking lots of questions, I decided I would give it a try. What could it hurt?

Since there are many companies paying people to blog, I asked her opinion on where to start. She suggested I check out Blogvertise. With Blogvertise, I am responsible for writing reviews or advertisements for various products and services. Not only am I able to learn about these products and services, but I get to share them with family and friends! The best part is that I can do it without ever leaving my home! This is a plus since I'm a homeschooling wife and mother!

If you would like to learn more about Blogvertise and how it works,visit their user-friendly website today!

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