Friday, December 28, 2007

Separating My Material

At the suggestion of a friend, I have decided to separate my homeschooling information from my other blog material. When I started this blog, it was primarily to keep my family and friends, in other states, informed about what was going on with us. I will continue to blog here regularly about our family and various other things. I will use my new home, My Thousand Loves, for homeschooling material. I've just started posting over there and so I do have a few random posts up right now. From here on out, you can go over there to read about our homeschooling adventures, successes, and of course, our failures. I hope to share some things that will be helpful to many, like book reviews, curriculum reviews, as well as all things pertaining to the journey of homeschooling. I hope you'll join me! In fact, head over there and enter to win the children's book I'm giving away.

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