Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thirteen Things To Say No To While Following WW's

Today's list is in honor of all the foods I've loved before :-o) A dear friend talked me into doing Weight Watchers with her. I'm into my third day of it and it's going well. I'm learning to eat differently (more healthy) and decrease my portion sizes (which desperately needed to happen). Overall, I think this is something I can stick to and I'm feeling better already. I guess this is what it feels like when you don't stuff yourself full of sugar for every meal! Here are thirteen things I love that I'll be saying "no" to while on this journey.

  1. Moolattes from DQ
  2. Hot fudge sundaes from McD's
  3. Mexican (we will still eat it occasionally but it will be very limited for a time)
  4. Pizza (only two slices per meal now)
  5. Cake for breakfast in the mornings
  6. Chocolate chip cookie dough pop tarts (my all time favorite fix!)
  7. 80% lean beef (we're buying the good stuff for awhile. We can afford it since we eat less and are measuring portion sizes)
  8. Tiramisu (my other all time favorite)
  9. Regular ranch dressing (using fat-free Italian and it's tasty)
  10. Lots of white bread (I'll miss it but whole wheat bread is very good)
  11. Hershey Sundae pie from BK
  12. Sweet tea (this is pretty easy since diet soda is my favorite drink)
  13. Being a couch potato (yep, I've even gone so far as to make an exercise plan)

This is a big change for me but I know it'll be a good one. I tend to eat so much sugar that it's ridiculous. With hypothyroidism, I don't need anything else to make me tired. This is going to be a good thing! Thanks to Kasi for getting me into gear! Now, if only I could get her to blog!

For more TT's, visit the official site.

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Melanie said...

Mexican food...mmmm!!

Natalie said...

Good luck!!!!!

storyteller said...

Congratulations on taking this step to make some changes in the way you live and relate to food. I first joined WW at the age of 40 (23 years ago) and I believe it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I learned to think about food and exercise differently, and stayed at goal weight for 15 years. I struggle a bit these days because my metabolism has changed with age, but I rejoined a couple of years back and have stayed within a healthy weight range ever since. I still go to meetings ... went this morning as a matter of fact. I admit I didn't tempt myself by reading your list. The first one made me think of a Caramel Machiato ... so I stopped and put the kettle on for tea then jumped straight to comments because I know myself all too well. LOL
Hugs and blessings,

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Good for you! Good luck!

Sandee said...

Yep, this is a great plan especially the exercise. Good luck, and I think you will do this. Have a great TT. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Sonya! I did WW quite a few years ago and loved it. I hink you'll enjoy it. I *really* should be eating healthier with my hypothyroidism, as well ... but I just crave certain things and it makes me need to triple my Prozac if I don't get them, ROTFL!

Annie said...

Too bad I didn't see earlier :)
It was bailey's bday and I had to eat good stuff with him...oh the sacrifices we make :)

Jenny said...

Ranch dressing? Bleh...tastes like throw-up...not that I eat throw-up! lol! I'm just commenting to get the link! lol!!

damozel said...

good luck to you with your diet.

Tiramisu IS hard to give up, though!

TT#23 |  13 New York Photos (Part I: Around Town)

gail@more than a song said...

Portion size, a big thing for me! Haven't eaten white bread in years but have just recently rediscovered "real" ranch dressing and boy that stuff is good!

Bloggers said...

Good luck on your diet. It is hard. I am trying to lose my last 20 pounds of baby fat from having my son a over a year ago and it is so hard.

Shawna said...

WW is a really good program. I know several people who have succeeded with it. Good for you. Those do look like very tasty treats.