Saturday, April 26, 2008

Make Up Day

Wow! What a busy week. We've had several exciting field trips this week and I hope to share those in my next few posts. We don't take a lot of homeschool field trips because they're usually not convenient. However, this week was nice and slow so we threw in a few that interested us. All of these trips have put me behind in the house though so today is a "deep clean" day around here. Days like this requires lots of disposable gloves and much scrubbing! Our toilets hadn't been scrubbed in a week so they're getting much attention today. The weather has been so warm though and that always makes me stray while cleaning. I find that I'll start cleaning a room but have to go to the garage to get something, which causes me to walk by the front door that is open and feel that nice breeze blowing in. What else can I do but step outside? It can't be helped!

While I'd like to take pictures of my dirty house to show you just how bad it is, I'm going to pass. It would be way to humiliating for me and much to gross for your eyes! Hopefully all of this cleaning will end early enough for hubby and I to run out and see Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. If you haven't heard about this movie, do a Google search right now and check it out. It's a documentary so keep that in mind. I'm expecting a lot from the movie and everything I've heard about it has been positive. If we do make it out to see it tonight, I'll share the review with you in a few days.

Have a great Saturday and remember, four hands scrub better than two!

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Ron Paul 2008


Shawna said...

I need to post my clean house pictures this week so I will have evidence that on occasion I do clean the house!!

Good luck with all your deep cleaning!! I did hear about the movie from a friend, but I haven't seen it. It's playing in our city though.