Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 5

13 Things I Want To Complete Before Memorial Day

  1. Put up all the laundry I've washed the past two days! LOL! I told you I was bad at putting it up!
  2. Put up new light fixture in the hallway. We've had it for two weeks but have made no effort to put it up!
  3. Get rid of the ants that have decided to invade my kitchen! They do this every year when it starts to get hot! I hate them I tell ya'!
  4. Get some pictures cropped. I have everything laid out but getting to it is another story!
  5. Finish Chapter 3 of the Bible study I'm doing. Jenny, Kasi (who doesn't blog) and I are using Martha Peace's The Excellent Wife. We were supposed to meet this Friday to discuss the first three chapters but these two gals bailed on me! LOL! No, really, it's Kasi's birthday tomorrow and Jenny's hubby will be home so it makes sense that she wants to spend time with him instead of me!
  6. Finish going through the homeschooling material I have pulled out in my bedroom. I'm trying to weed out some things and I always find it so hard to "let go" of things!
  7. Plant some more carnations, zinnias, and poppies. I've planted some in our Square Foot Garden along side our veggies. My hope is to plant more at the foot of our new deck. I'll cut these and enjoy them inside!
  8. Get rid of this allergy related thing that has attacked my sinuses.
  9. Balance my checkbook and pay my bills.
  10. Even though we are still working on the deck, I'd like to get the covered portion cleared out a little so we could sit out there in the evenings. Right now it's filled with tools and it's breaking me down! LOL!
  11. Grind up some wheat berries and bake a few loaves of bread.
  12. Make a trip to the Amish store for dried pineapples and other ingredients for breadmaking.
  13. Make a plan for Memorial Day! LOL! We usually cook out but we've not formally planned anything yet!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here.

View other Thursday Thirteen participants here.


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Kat said...

Good luck with 3 and 8!lol Happy TT!

Shawna said...

The Square Garden thing looks interesting! I finished planting my flower garden yesterday. My goal this year was minimal and maintainable! Last year I got too many flowers and let half of them die before I planted them!

Donica Covey said...

Hope you can get everything done!

Donica Covey

Jill said...

I was thinking about you and your "laundry thing" while I was folding my own last night. It's so great that you bake bread. That's something that I would love to do and need to make the time.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get everything done!! I'll cross my fingers for ya, LOL! Y'all enjoy your weekend!

L^2 said...

Good luck with all of this. Hope you are able to get it all accomplished. I'm battling #8 right now too.

Thanks for visiting my TT! :-)

Kelli said...

Good luck with getting everything accomplished. I am having the same ant problem....grrr! I wish I could join you at the Amish store..sounds like fun!

Mandalyn said...

I tagged you for a meme over at my place if you're interested!